How to wash your hands

Do you know how to wash your hands? We do...

When and why do we have to wash our hands?
Check the comments below to find out!

Watch out there are Trolls and Trows about!

In this week before Halloween we have had our own mini storytelling Festival based on the characters from both Norwegian and Orcadian folktales - trolls and trows! The setting for our stories was Muddisdale and we hope to be able to tell our stories around the campfire in the woods one day.

Everyone collaborated on a group story and told it to the class, including sound effects and voices. Here is one of the stories that was told. We hope you enjoy it.

Meanwhile those pesky trolls and trows are hiding around the school - can you spot them?
We will share our poems in the comments below. Please click on 'comments' and have a look.
And, if you are in school keep your eyes peeled for the P5M troll - he is very well camouflaged...

Circuit games

Today we finished the games we had made using a circuit and a buzzer or a light. We found you needed more power to make the buzzer work well if the loop only touched the wire a little. The light worked really well.

Most people managed to finish the game and one was even decorated so that nose lights up. The egg box game had a special holder for the loop and was an easy open box for on-going maintenance issues - well done!

Making maths movies

We know the best way to find out if we understand something is to see if we can explain it to someone else. This is what we have been trying to do in number at the end of our place value topic.

We have recorded a few of the explanations for our maths channel which you can see below and you can find the maths channel on the sidebar.