Book group podcasts

Welcome to the P6/7 book group podcasts for kids! Listen to our groups talk about their group reading books, their favourite books and why they like them.

Kirkwall's Last Straw

Today three of the P7s went up to Radio Orkney to make a recording about our campaign Kirkwall's Last Straw. Robbie Fraser showed them how the studio worked and recorded them explaining what Kirkwall's Last Straw is all about and what we are trying to achieve. Listen to the interview here at about 10:20.

Kirkwall's Last Straw

We have been learning about sustainability and how what we consume affects the environment. After a hard look at our own global footprints and a reminder of how plastics affect the oceans we have decided to follow in the fantastic footsteps of Ullapool Primary School whose initiative 'Nae Straw At Aw' has resulted in Ullapool becoming the first single use plastic straw free village in Scotland. Class 6 have written to lots of hotels, bars and cafes to ask if they will end their use of single use plastic straws and offer a paper alternative,or no straw at all, to their customers. They have sent them a poster to display so that they can share their decision to take part in the initiative called  'Kirkwall's Last Straw' with their customers and they are hoping that the businesses will let them know they are taking part by leaving a comment on this post on the Pick Up Three Pieces Facebook page.

P7 have decided time is up for juice cartons with straws attached, single use plastic water bottles, plastic cutlery and plates, and styrofoam cups in school. They are now hoping that they can convince other schools to take up the challenge and get rid of any remaining plastics and have written to Orkney Islands Council to see if they can help make it happen across all schools in the county.