Reading, playing, dancing.

On Thursday our readers went back down to the nursery to visit and evaluate how they think their reading sessions went. We think they were very successful and we hope we can do some more reading with the pre-schoolers sometime.

 At golden time the energy and forces group improved on last week's marble run and got the marble to get all the way down the corridor and caught it in a cup! They are getting more successful every time they build their run. The construction group used K'nex to make some interesting models and machines.
Our week ended with some Scottish traditional dancing at PE. This fits in well with our Scotland topic as we find out about the history of Scottish culture and traditions, and its good fun.

P5M Burns Supper

Today we celebrated Robert Burns's birthday by having a Burns Supper. Everyone recited some poetry and we had haggis, neeps and tatties prepared by the 'food' group. We toasted Rabbie with a dram of Irn Bru (or water) and finished off with a bit of shortbread. We enjoyed the tune 'My love is like a Red, Red Rose' on the fiddle as a special treat at the end. Many thanks to the fiddler!

Blackhouse Challenge

Today we had an hour to make a model which showed the inside of a blackhouse. There were extra points for good layout. The most successful teams communicated well and managed their time effectively. Well done everyone - there were some super details in each of the houses.

The Water Horse

We have been watching The Water Horse based on the novel by Dick King Smith. The author used traditional Scottish legends about kelpies and The Loch Ness Monster to creaste a story about a boy who finds a mysterious egg on the shore.

Now it is our turn to write our version of the Scottish tale. I wonder what kind of creatures will be in our stories? Who will the main character be? What will happen to them in the story? Stay tuned to find out!

In maths we have been estimating and measuring weight using a 2 pan balance, and recording grams and kilograms in different ways.

Meanwhile some of us have gone down to the Nursery for the last three weeks on Thursday afternoons to read to the youngest children in our school. Have a look at their blog here.

How to cross the road.

Last week was Road Safety week at Glaitness and the whole school was busy thinking about the best ways to stay safe around traffic. We decided to make a video about how to use a zebra crossing.


Times tables, solid shapes and crystals.

This term we are getting to grips with tables. Our aim is to be fast and accurate with the 6,7,8 and 9 times tables - alongside the simpler ones we already know. In fact we already know quite a lot of these tables becasue if you know the 2x table you already know 6x2, 7x2, 8x2 and 9x2.
Finishing off a tables session with a number quiz.
 Now that we know all about flat shapes and can name and describe them we are exploring solid shapes and their properties.
Using a kit to make nets for 3D shapes.
 Marion Ashburn came in to share her shape models with us. She is interested in how flat shapes and solid shapes fit together and has made some amazing models explore and find out about them.

The Crystals group have prepared a new solution for a second type of crystal - we are looking forward to seeing how it grows.

Scientists at work!