
For session 2017 2018 term4.

In class we will be developing a reasonable pace of work and trying to use our time effectively. On occasions homework may therefore also include unfinished work that it is important to complete. We will continue to work to develop our expectations of pace together, as a class and as individual learners. This will support the children to develop their skills in becoming independent, life long learners.

Any of the links from the class blog on the side bar can be used for learning outside school, during holidays or periods of illness. Your child has a Studyladder log-in in their Homework jotter. If there is a week that is particularly busy due to out of school commitments please let the class teacher know and we can adjust our expectations of what can be done that week. Please initial the homework sheet in the top right hand corner each week so that we can be sure you have seen the homework jotter.

Homework will be sent home most weeks and the regular elements will be:

This term we will work in readinng groups and use independent reading books which can be chosen from home or school.  We will have a reading check in time each week alongside other class based literacy work. Each week the children will agree on a reasonable amount to read at home. At home please discuss the book with your child as they read it and perhaps read sections of it aloud, or take turns reading with them. They should be able to discuss elements such as: what has happened in the story, the characters and why they have done or said things in the story, the setting and atmosphere. 'Tips for Reading with your Child' has been added to the Homework jotter.Your child should choose sections of text to share in class and be ready to explain their choice, but we will not be reading aloud all of the text at school as a follow up activity. It would be helpful if the reading book can be taken to school through the whole week. Your child may like to take some reading material from home, or a library outside school, to refresh their personal collection in their book box.

We will continue with the school spelling scheme. Children can practice at home by accessing the lists on Spelling City on the sidebar of the blog.
If possible please use scrap paper at home, rather than pages of the homework jotter if children are learning spellings by writing them out. This will help us to continue to promote sustainable practices, thank you.

Blog comments

Please look at the blog with your child regularly. Occassionally (about once a term) there will be a homework task which involves parents leaving a comment on the blog. 

We use the blog as a learning tool at school and often reflect on activities and think about what we have learned and would like to learn next through this process of sharing what we do. It makes a huge difference to how meaningful this process is to us when we know that we have an interested and invested audience beyond the classroom. Your child can help you leave a comment on the latest post.

Number and maths activities will be suggested each week. Usually these will be either on Studyladder or a symbaloo on the sidebar. Studyladder maths activities are updated as we make our way through different topics in maths. Certificates earned will periodically put into Learning Journeys. Fluent recall of tables can be maintained using the number quiz cards your child has created in school and the methods we have practised in Term 1, along with the table square in the homework jotter. Using number skills in everyday life - calculations using money, telling time, estimating durations of times, distances, weights etc all make a difference to confidence in these topics at school. 

French, topic research and resource gathering may all occur throughout the year. 

Tour Guiding
The script for tour guiding will be practised at school but everyone in P6 needs to learn their lines at home too.


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  3. Funky dance moves! Especially liked Michael's cameo.Looking forward to seeing the updates throughout the year.
    Craig (Dan's Dad)
