Goodbye William!

We bid William a fond farewell yesterday.
We are all very sad to see him go but wish him well for a really happy future.

Magnus at the Peedie Pier

This wonderful piece of art was produced by Magnus using charcoal and is on display at the Pier Arts Centre in Stromness at the moment.  How exciting!  It is part of an exhibition called 'Peedie Pier', which features work by children from schools all over Orkney.

New multiplication movies!

Mixed up by multiplication? Muddled by written methods? Stuck with strategies?
Have a look at our latest videos on our maths channel for clear explanations of multiplication!

Rock Up In Red

We 'Rocked Up In Red' to raise money for the British Heart Foundation and to raise awareness of what they do and how we can all help ourselves to keep our hearts healthy.
We have been skipping every Friday this term and we are working towards a sponsored skip at the end of March.  Everyone has tried individual skipping, paired skipping and long rope skipping.  There are lots of really good skippers in our class and they are able to show us lots of fancy techniques and fun rhyme games.  We have been seeing how many skips we can do in a minute and a half and some people have more than doubled their totals in just two weeks!  Everyone's skipping and stamina are improving.
Here are some photos of our last long rope session.



Today we learned about solids. liquids and gases and....oobleck! Is it a solid or is it a liquid? Well, it depends. It's a non-Newtonian solid. Rather than heat energy turning it from solid to liquid it reacts differently if you apply pressure slowly or quickly. Try to grab it quickly and it feels solid but touch it slowly and the particles have time to slide out of the way and it feels like liquid.

Studyladder Success!

Well done everyone who has had a go at using Studyladder!
Next week we will make some time at school for those who haven't had access yet,
 to earn some points.

Book Trailers

Please visit out new wiki page - Book Trailers - to see our book trailers for readers which are designed to encourage readers to try these books we have been reading. We have really enjoyed them!