Our Burns Supper

At our Burns Supper we recited 'Address to a Haggis', 'The Selkirk Grace' and 'To A Mouse'.
To hear all three go to our audio file page on our wiki.


  1. Wow, this look great and very patriotic with the tartan table cloths and of course the haggis. Lovely to hear "Burn's" poetry being recited. You all seem to have mastered some verses of it. It is a difficult dialect to learn, so well done for trying so hard. Looks like you all enjoyed yourselves and tried haggis, neeps and tatties. I see Lily gave it a big thumbs up!Caroline(Laura's mum)

  2. This was such a good celebration that brought all of our class together. Well done to the food group and to all of you who enthusiastically tucked in and tried these Scottish delicacies! I was so pleased with how you confidently recited the poems that you thought were far too difficult just two weeks ago! You have worked hard to learn them and I know you'll do a super job at the assembly on Monday too.

  3. I've just listened to them all on the audio file. 'At wis richt braw!

  4. My family had a Burns' Supper tonight and I played your recital of 'Address to the Haggis'. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed it and it saved me from having to learn all of the verses off by heart!

  5. Well done P5. We think you all did very well at assembly. Your Burn's Supper looked delicious. From P4
