Rock Up In Red

We 'Rocked Up In Red' to raise money for the British Heart Foundation and to raise awareness of what they do and how we can all help ourselves to keep our hearts healthy.
We have been skipping every Friday this term and we are working towards a sponsored skip at the end of March.  Everyone has tried individual skipping, paired skipping and long rope skipping.  There are lots of really good skippers in our class and they are able to show us lots of fancy techniques and fun rhyme games.  We have been seeing how many skips we can do in a minute and a half and some people have more than doubled their totals in just two weeks!  Everyone's skipping and stamina are improving.
Here are some photos of our last long rope session.



  1. Well done P5 for "rocking up in red"! You all look really cool! It's such a worth while cause and lots of people are affected by heart complaints, whether it be when you're a baby, young or middle aged or elderly. It looks like the skipping is coming along nicely. Keep practicing and do your best in March, remember it's for a good cause.Good luck everybody!Caroline(Laura's mum)
