Paper - origami poppers and newspaper structures

Today we made origami paper poppers. This is an easy quite easy task and it was practice at following a 'how to' video with really clear instructions and good description. We will be going on to  more advanced origami tasks soon and using what we have learned about making 'how to' videos when we create instructional videos of our own. If you want to have another go at the paper popper task here is the video. If you want us to try another one you have discovered yourself please be prepared to explain the instructions to us all without the aid of a book!

Later we worked in teams to complete a paper technology challenge. We had 45 minutes to build a structure that would hold an egg at least 1m off the ground. The shapes that worked were cones and triangles but it all depended on how well the paper spills were made! Too loose and they collapsed! The winning design was based on an idea similar to corrugated card. We know that folds make paper strong, so lot and lots of  paper folded into zig zags and enclosed in a cylinder was really strong and very stable. With a wide cylinder at the base and then a slightly smaller one above that and another even smaller above that the group made a structure with minimal tape and few joins...! Awesome!


  1. Jillian (Scott's mum)24 February 2014 at 13:58

    I enjoyed making a paper popper with Scott at home. What a pop!!!!!
    Looks like you made some interesting structures. Well done.

  2. I enjoyed making the sculptures of to see if we could make the egg stay 1m and a half of the ground.


  3. Alex showed us all how to make this at home. She made one for Sam and he made a lot of noise with it. It looks like you all had great fun.


  4. Alex showed us all how to make these. She made one for Sam and he made a lot of noise with it. It looks like you all had great fun!


  5. Cool! I will definitely have to try making a popper! Mrs L

  6. excellent. young engineers at work ( play? ) george / Ewan ( ewans + dad )
