Campcraft Day

Today we spent the morning outside practising making a shelter and learning about how to have a campfire. Mrs Milsom came back to help us and Mrs Wragg was with us too. We stayed in the school grounds for our practice but we might go up to Muddisdale next term and work in groups now that we know what the shelter should look like.
First we have to do a risk/benefit analysis and decide what we were going to do to make sure we were going to 'Leave No Trace'. Then we were ready to get outside.
Once we had a shelter ready it was time to try making a spark with a fire steel. These are better than matches for fire starting on an adventure because it doesn't matter if they get wet.
Ms Mackay started a fire then we used Mrs Wragg's embers to get the Kelly Kettle going for hot chocolate.
It was a bit windy and to start with there wwas a bit of smoke swirling around but that soon stopped as the fire got going. You can't see the fire inside a Kelly Kettle - it is all inside in the middle of the tube. Can you see how we avoided scorching the ground and killing the grass in this photo?
 The rope is the perimeter to keep people away from the campfire.
You cannot run in this area and you must sit or kneel down.

 Then it was time for a sing song! Our Easter song is 'Spring into Action'!


  1. An interesting morning. Glad it stayed dry for you.

    Gillian brown (Aidan's mum)

  2. I really enjoyed it! It was cold but that didn't matter. I got a turn to make sparks but it was really hard! We got to have hot chocolate. It was really nice! I hope we get to do it again at Muddisdale!
    Alex P5

  3. I really enjoyed camp craft. My favourite thing was making our shelter and making sparks. When we were having our hot chocolate Ms Mackay said that the people in the shelter to sing our Easter song that we are singing art our Easter assembly it is called spring into action! First the first group went then the other group it was great fun. I hope we get to go to Muddisdale to do it!
    Zoe P5

  4. I had a great day! And I managed to start a fire, which makes me proud!
    Thank you for taking me along!

    Mrs Milsom

  5. This looks like so much fun! What a good idea peeling back the grass for the camp fire.

    Sarah (Alex's Mum)

  6. You could all teach me a lot about this as my survival skills are not too good! What a useful activity to be part of and I am impressed with the way you did it all without leaving a trace. I bet the hot chocolate was lovely!
