Times tables, solid shapes and crystals.

This term we are getting to grips with tables. Our aim is to be fast and accurate with the 6,7,8 and 9 times tables - alongside the simpler ones we already know. In fact we already know quite a lot of these tables becasue if you know the 2x table you already know 6x2, 7x2, 8x2 and 9x2.
Finishing off a tables session with a number quiz.
 Now that we know all about flat shapes and can name and describe them we are exploring solid shapes and their properties.
Using a kit to make nets for 3D shapes.
 Marion Ashburn came in to share her shape models with us. She is interested in how flat shapes and solid shapes fit together and has made some amazing models explore and find out about them.

The Crystals group have prepared a new solution for a second type of crystal - we are looking forward to seeing how it grows.

Scientists at work!


  1. I did the crystals with Aria ,chloe and Hannah. Ms mackay had a set in the class room we choose blue. First we put the teesey taeney crystals in a tub. Then we put the hot water in and mix then more crystals and lave it.
    From Kacey

  2. I had fun doing the math qize and all the times tabble the tabble were 7 and the 8 and the 9 times tabble i loved doing the 8 times tabble at scool .

    from Victoria
