Better Movers and Thinkers, Better bakers and mathematicians...

We have been working on thinking and moving at the same time, coordinating what we do with other people, using a rhythm, using both sides of our body, changing direction... its surprisingly difficult!

Creating our own sequences this week was good fun, but involved a lot of concentration and good listening, watching and communication skills.

We finished Fair Trade fortnight by writing a newspaper article about Fair Trade bananas and  baking cupcakes using fairly traded sugar, chocolate and bananas.
It was hard work! Look at all the maths we had to do to make it successful.
We wrote a few instructions of our own - luckily we got a chance to practice with jam sandwiches before wasting any of our precious cupcakes!
You can find the recipe book here.


  1. Hi class 5.
    I enjoyed making cakes they were grate to eat at golden time. I liked how we were doing math at the same time because I thought math was never fun but I was proved wrong. I would love to do something like that again.

    From Chloe.

  2. Hi class 5
    I enjoyed making the muffins and I enjoyed Mr Duncan coming in to teach us some P.E lessons.It was fun learning new things in P.E. it was fun making the muffins because we each got to do something. I got to weigh out the sugar but I put a bit to much sugar in the bowl. I hope we get to do something this week again. Thanks Ms Mackay.
    From Kayla

  3. Hi p5M
    On Thursday having Mr Duncan in to do PE with us was great because we did lots of different things and it was all fun. Then on Friday we bake bun for fair trade fortnight
    and they were so yummy and fab. I wish we could bake more. Thank you.

  4. Hello class 5
    I liked having the P.E expert in because I liked running about and trying to do his insanely hard challenges they involved a lot of focus and skills. I could not do it very well. Euan. H

  5. Hi class 5

    I really enjoyed making the muffins. I think we should do baking every friday because it's got math in it. It's good for our learning and kitchen skills for when we are older. They were really yummy.

    From Michaela

  6. Hi class 5- Baking the cupcakes was fun even though it involved a lot of maths. We had to subtract grams of flour and weigh most of the food we were puting in the cupcakes like baking powder.

  7. Hi class 5. I loved making the muffins because it involved maths in it. We had lots of fun making them and eating them. We used lots of maths skills and had fun. We had fun putting the icing on. They were really yummy. From Jessica.

  8. Hi class 5 I love to do baking at home I love baking with my mum dad and kieran my brother we bake all sorts of things I love baking I think it is my life to bake all day.I loved baking the banana chocolate chip cupcakes.
    from Cady

  9. HI P5
    I felt calmer after that lie down. The sandwitches were FUNNY :) and educational.
    From Logan M.

  10. Hi class 5. I loved making cupcakes. To me baking is the most fun thing ever but i never new how muck math you can do just by baking 7 cupcakes. We should do baking more often to help with our learning.

    From Evie
