This week we have a post by three pupil bloggers about last week's Open Afternoon.
We will aim to have more writing by pupils published here on the blog at regular intervals.
We had an
open afternoon to show our parents what we have done in P5 so far. We made circuits
to make a light bulb work. After that we made Lego ROVs. An ROV is some
thing that works on the sea bed in a
wind farm. Next we did shelter building. We could show our parents how to build a
shelter because we did it at Muddisdale and we are good at it. Then we did some
willow weaving. We played Chinese checkers and Mancala. Next we went on the blog and we showed our
parents the photos. My favourite thing was building shelters because we got to
sit in it after we had built it.
BY Bruce and Kadyn
Open Afternoon
We invited our parents to come to
our open afternoon to show them around
last Wednesday. I showed my mum around the class and showed her how to
play Mancala. We made shelters and used our own instructions to build the
shelter. After we played Mancala we went to look at the circuits and me and mum
enjoyed it. We weaved a little willow circle. After we weaved we then tried to
play Chinese checkers it was quite hard to play we did not understand very
well. Next we went back to the electricity table and I named all the stuff that
was there like the batteries and we used penny’s and other stuff to see if they
would conduct the electricity.
enjoyed doing the electricity and showing mum what we have been doing. I
told her about insulators and conductors and what the difference is. I also
showed her my habitat and electricity folder. She enjoyed weaving and the
electricity. Mum was annoyed she was not able to do the LEGO ROV. Me and mum
tried really hard to fit everything in. I showed mum how to weave. The circle
of weaved willow was about the size of my head. I hope we can do this some other time. After mum
left I made an ROV.
I really enjoyed the open afternoon, it was good to see what everyone had been doing this term. I liked playing the games, they were fun! The underwater rovers look pretty impressive to. Caroline (Erin R's mum)