Rugby Skills Development

Class Rugby
Yesterday we went out to the front playground to play Rugby. Our coach was John. He taught us different technique, we did a few games and warm ups. It was fun some people did not do it so they had to sit on a bench and read a book. We got put into group’s 6 people in each group one of the games was octopus it’s were two catchers are in the middle and everyone else has to try to run. The catchers where Erin K and Erin R it was so fun hope we can do it again. Tyler and Paige      


  1. I was not expecting a rugby session to go on. It was really fun. We used many rugby skills in our games. my favorite activity was the Grubbber kick.I hope we do this again. Aiden Cameron

  2. Hi class 6. Yesterday we had rugby. We got to do it outside because it was a nice day and we played lots of different games. Our first game was simple three people got a rugby ball each. They had to catch everyone else bye touching them with the rugby ball. When you were caught you had to do the Usain Bolt celebration pose. Then other people had to high five you if you were caught. We played lots of games like this but we also did team races. You needed lots of teamwork as you were also working with other people and may need their help now and again. We enjoyed rugby and are looking forward to our next session on Tuesday. Erin R and Sofia bye :)

  3. Hi class 6,
    the rugby development skills was so fun the grubber kick was my favourite.The best challenge was under and over looking forward to the next session.Scott and Finlay

  4. Rugby is fun I had a good time at rugby are coach helped my skills to make me remember some rugby moves I liked the caching the ball I was working hard so I could get better. Robert and William

  5. Hi class 6 We had rugby yesterday first we did a quick warm up it was called Usain Bolt tag we got put into groups and we did some challenges and races in our group and then we went into pairs and did grubber kicks to each other and then we worked on our reflexes by rolling the ball underneath each others legs and shoulders when they saw the ball they had to run as fast as they could to get it. Brogan.R Erlend.B

  6. Hi everyone on Tuesday we had rugby. We went outside and played lots of different games. The first one was Usain Bolt catch 3 people had a rugby ball and if they tapped you with it you had to to the Usain Bolt celebration position. Then someone would high 5 you and you could run again. Then we got into teams and did different team games like did a figure of 8 whilst going forwards and backwards, over our heads and between our legs whilst passing it down the line and we also made a tunnel with our legs and the person at the end would roll the ball under the tunnel of legs. Then finally we played octopus to improve our dodging skills. Lauren and Darby

  7. Hi class 6. Yesterday we had tag rugby. Seen as we had forgotting about it it was a nice suprise. it was a lovley day so we were outside. We started with a warm up then we did some activitese in groups and to finish of we did some pair work. It was good fun and cant wait for next week :). Daisy and Cierra

  8. Hi class 6
    Me and Ryan really enjoyed the rugby yesterday.First we splinted into 4 groups.Our first activity was a team work challenge we had to a figure of 8 once we did the figure of 8 we had to run back and give the ruby ball to the other person at the front of the line. Then we did a game called octopus it is one of my favourite games.
    Declan and Ryan

  9. Hi class 6 i really enjoyed our session of rugby we played good games and learned new skills i liked when we had to see who could pass the ball for the longest. I also liked when we played the game called 'octopus' some people went under other peoples legs to get to the other side. Rugby was good fun. Jennifer

  10. hi class 6 i thought rugby was amazing our coach john and we played a game called octopus you had two catchers or more and the octopuses would say go and everyone had to run across and try not to get caught and if you get caught you are a peace of seaweed so you cant move you can only move your hands and arms after there has been a few people caught everyone can make a wall so they can not get across and then it is more harder to run across but it is more fun when you you have a bigger space the game was fun and in rugby we learnt a lot of skills the rugby was fun by Paige
