On the 6 of May P6 did an amazing tour of the
Bishops palace we were doing it to Eday and Pappie it was really good but It was
cold and we tried our best. We started by getting introduced by the junior tour
guides. Then we went across to the Bishops palace. The schools enjoyed it at
the end we made everyone say a fact. They all remembered there parts and what
to say I thought it went very well it was an amazing experience for us and we
all enjoyed it very very much.
Angus, Robert.
On Tuesday group 1 finally got to do their first tour
guiding to Eday School. We were in group 2 and we were in charge of showing
them the bottom half of the Earls palace along with the waiting room. In group
2 the characters were the Constable, maid, servant, Turnbrochie, Guard’s, and
Cooks. Our costumes were really cool and it made us look the part and feel it
as well. Our cue to start our part is a knock at the door and on Tuesday we
were definitely nervous waiting in silence for the knock on the door but in the
end it finally came. We all really enjoyed doing it and the end came all too
quick. Eday School said they really enjoyed us and thought we were wonderful.
We really hope we can do more tour guiding in the near future.
Daisy and Erin.K
We did tour guiding at the earls and bishops palaces for the 2nd
time. It was very rainy so the walk was horrible so we whore ponchos to cover
the costumes. When we got there we went down to the cellar. Group 1 got ready
while we entertained each over. After a while group 2 got ready and did their
part they where right near the cellar we had to be quiet and sneaky. Then they
went into the kitchen. group 3 then sneaked upstairs and then we got a peak at
everyone there was lots. it was nervous waiting for the audience. After a while
the Counstable came up and we got into positions. During the middle of our part
we told the audience to come into the other room they must of not heard very
well because they started to clap and turned to the exit we quickly told them
to go to the other room. At the end we whore our ponchos again and made our way
back to the school. It was great fun and we hope we do it a 3rd