Making oatcakes, bannocks and butter the old-fashioned way

Making old Orkney food
On Thursday morning us the p7’s were going to show the p6’s how to make bare bannock, Oatcakes and butter. First of all Kavan and Alfie showed them how to make oatcakes that took about 5 minutes to put everything together and cooking it took about 10 minutes. Next was the butter you had to pour some double cream into a jar then you had shake the double cream until it looked like scrambled eggs then when it looks like that you open the jar and pour out the buttermilk onto a plate then put a pinch of salt on it and then you have salted butter. Then last but no least was the bannock first you put dry ingredients in the bowl that takes about 5 to 10 minutes then to cook it takes about 10 to 15 minutes. 
Ellen and Alfie


  1. It was fun feeling and tasting the different things. Making the butter was hard work. Good job P7's Jenna

  2. Hi P6/7, I love the costumes! Tell me more: did you make the butter from scratch? how did you do it? and most importantly, how did it all taste?
    Cheers! Mr Ross

  3. The p7s made tasks for us like drawing pictures and then writing what they are and recipes to make bannock and oatcakes. They were really tasty once they were cooked. Well done! Jenna

  4. It was really fun to make the food. Especially the butter. All the shaking was tiring though. It tasted good on bannock.

  5. this was so fun to feel and try different things I loved the costumes and hope to see more fun stuff like that soon.

  6. It was fun but really hard to make the butter but it was tasty though. My favourite bit of it was the bannock it was delicous! Leah

  7. This was fun and interesting learning how they made food back in the day. I liked how we made the butter because when we were done it tasted yummy! hope the p6's had fun
    Alfie & Ellen

  8. i enjoyed making the butter it kind of confused me how all you need to make butter is double whip cream and some salt oatcakes was really good same with all the other foods by Dan

  9. this was really fun to do and prepare for the p6s we got to learn so much like how to make butter out of just double cream that i found was amazing and making the oatcakes i liked alot. i thought we did a great job Anna

  10. it was fun to make the food, especially the butter. All that shaking was tiring though. Kavan
