Pylons 2!

Time to finish the build and evaluate!
Will it be high enough?
Will it hold the cable 1m off the ground?
Will it be strong enough to support a cable?
Will it stand up to a light wind?
How well did we work as a group?
Did we make the best use of the resources, including the time we had?


  1. Looks like you all worked well in your groups, the pylons look pretty impressive and you made good use of the resources you had available.Well done P5! Caroline (Laura's mum)

  2. Great to see how this turned out,
    Natasha Findlay

  3. Hope you all had fun, looks like you were very busy!
    Pauline (Fraser's mum)

  4. its cool going on the blog fore home work :)

  5. Good work on the pylons.
    Sharon (Tommy's mum)
