Visiting the wind turbine at Hatston

We walked to Hatston to visit the wind turbine there and have a look inside. Everyone can see the turbine from all around Kirkwall. The tower is 40 metres high and the diameter of the blades is 44 metres. From the ground to the tip of the blade pointing straight up it is 67 metres. Some of us had noticed a red light at the top of the tower at night. This is to tell aircraft where it is.
Click on the picture to get a larger version.
Inside we saw the ladder that goes up to the top. The engineers use a harness that attches to the ladder so that they cannot fall. They told us that when the wind blows its like being in a ship at sea!


  1. looks like you had alot of fun Tracey (ross's mum)

  2. wow i wish i had been there Jane(Elins Mum)

  3. Aidan says he had a great day out visiting the pylon - I wish I could have been there too!

    Catherine (Aidan's mum)

  4. It looks like it was a really interesting trip. I definitely wouldn't want to be one of those engineers!
    Mrs Linklater

  5. I think the photos are cool, they make you realise just how big the windmill is. I don't think I'd like to be in it on a windy day if it's like being at sea, I might get sea sick! Ha Ha! Caroline(Laura's mum)

  6. It was a really interesting trip :-) you all did well!

    Vicky (Stephanie's mum)

  7. It was fun going to the windmill! But it was not very good weather for it. I found it fun going up the steps and getting to go into the turbine and getting to look at all the computers and also looking up the turbine!


  8. I loved going to the Hatson wind turbing. learning how it works was funnbut i wouldn't like to work there

    Erin P5

  9. I enjoyed accompanying you to the visit to the turbine and I found it really interesting to learn more about it too. What an interesting topic this is proving to be - I have enjoyed seeing all the activities that you are doing to learn about electricity and technology.

    Mrs Miller

  10. Looking at the photos from the ground makes you realise just how tall these are. Looks like everyone had a good day.
    Nickie (Camerons mum)

  11. It was very exciting because I have never been in a wind turbine before.
