Our first Book Review Glogs

Have a look at our wiki pages to see the Funky Chickens' and The Groovy Babies' reviews of their latest books, The Invisible Dog by Dick King-Smith and George Speaks by Dick King-Smith. The Tiger Tubbies reviewed The Sheep-Pig by Dick King Smith and the Bonny Bunnies reviewed Bug Brother by Pete Johnson. We have used two of our book detectives' activities to share on the video clips - the summary of the story and an interview with one of the main characters in the book. We hope you enjoy them!. Follow the link to the Glogs on the sidebar.


  1. I loved all the video clips. It looks like you all enjoyed reading your books. Looking at the Glog brought the stories to life. Well done P5.
    Shona (Erin's Mum)

  2. I thought the video clips were fantastic, excellent work by the kids doing a very hard task. It is great to see their confidence in doing such a task. (Cameron's Mum)

  3. The video clips are really good, easy to tell the confident one's in P5! The more you practice the more confident you'll become and maybe some of you won't be as nervous when you review the next lot of books.(Aah Laura, no sleeve pulling etc!)Caroline(Laura's mum)

  4. when I listened to the video clips I thought I sounded really weird + and I did a lot of sleeve twisting. :) lilly

  5. Well done on producing your videos they all look really good. You've worked hard and produced something that we parents can view at home.
    Lenore (Maddie's mum)

  6. Lilly - the more we do it the the more natural it will sound and the easier it will be to talk in front of the camera. You all did great!

  7. So clever and very entertaining. Brilliant!
    Saoirse (Joe's Mum)
