
Bug Brother by Pete Johnson
These are our wordles made with words we have selected from our reading books.
George Speaks by Dick King-Smith
Everyone individually chose interesting descriptive words or unusual vocabulary that the author uses.

The Sheep - Pig by Dick King-Smith
The more often the words were chosen the bolder they are in the wordle.

Invisible Dog by DIck KIng-Smith
They chose some lovely, rich and juicy vocabulary!
This was the final literacy activity with these books because next week we start our brand new books!


  1. You all certainly chose some really good descriptive and interesting words. I hope you'll remember them and put some of them to good use when you write your own stories. Well done P5! Caroline(Laura's mum)

  2. I totally agree with you, Caroline. I can't wait to see some of this interesting vocabulary appearing in your own writing.

  3. I think doing the wordle was really fun .Especially looking in the reading books and typing the words up. :) lilly
