Would you survive?

Today we 'played' the paper bag game.
For us it was a game but for many children in India and other places it is real life.
We found out how long and hard people have to work to just to survive.
We thought about how a material we 'throw away' and regard as ready for recycling is used to make a new and useful container which is less harmful to the environment than the free plastic bags we use.


  1. This looks as though this kept you all busy for a while,you all seem to be working well in your groups. Ms MacKay said some of you were really good at making paper bags and made lots. Well done! Caroline(Laura's mum) Is that the iron man I see in the background of some photos? He is really impressive now he's finished!

  2. At first I got confused on how to make bags intil I got some help from my teacher.Evryone is now coming to me for help on how to make plastic bags. calvin
