Meeting a Professional Athlete

On Friday, we were treated to a visit from Sean Corrigall.  Sean is a professional rower who is about to represent Scotland again next month.  It was really inspiring to meet someone who comes from Orkney and is competing alongside Olympic Gold Medallists.  He told us about how he got involved in rowing and the kind of training he has to do.  We were surprised to hear about the hours he trains for and how much he has to eat to give him enough energy.

We were not able to access his website on the school computers but it is really worth having a look at.
Watch out for him competing for Scotland in the home countries regatta this summer and hopefully in the Commonwealth Games next year.

1 comment:

  1. Laura enjoyed meeting Sean,she couldn't get over how tall he was and what big feet he had! SIZE 18!
    She checked out his web site before he came to visit you and was delighted to tell us about him and his achievements and training etc. Caroline(Laura's mum)
