Tim returns!

Early on Saturday morning Tim left the ISS 

the moon in the background

parachute deployed - click to enlarge

1 comment:

  1. Hi class 6 last week on Tuesday 24 of August 2016 class 6 and 7 went on a trip to the ring of Brodgar and the Ness of Brodgar. The ring of Brodgar was over 5000 years old it was once made up of around 60 standing stones. The tour guide said 4 years ago there was a submarine which came to see inspect the landscape it was called Freya and it costed £1 million. when we go to the Ness of Brodgar we went in a tent there were some activities there was a skeleton of a sheep on a table and there was also a table with old Nealithic tools. then after that we went up on a scaffolding to see the site that they had dug up.
    from Finlay
