Kirkwall's Last Straw

We have been learning about sustainability and how what we consume affects the environment. After a hard look at our own global footprints and a reminder of how plastics affect the oceans we have decided to follow in the fantastic footsteps of Ullapool Primary School whose initiative 'Nae Straw At Aw' has resulted in Ullapool becoming the first single use plastic straw free village in Scotland. Class 6 have written to lots of hotels, bars and cafes to ask if they will end their use of single use plastic straws and offer a paper alternative,or no straw at all, to their customers. They have sent them a poster to display so that they can share their decision to take part in the initiative called  'Kirkwall's Last Straw' with their customers and they are hoping that the businesses will let them know they are taking part by leaving a comment on this post on the Pick Up Three Pieces Facebook page.

P7 have decided time is up for juice cartons with straws attached, single use plastic water bottles, plastic cutlery and plates, and styrofoam cups in school. They are now hoping that they can convince other schools to take up the challenge and get rid of any remaining plastics and have written to Orkney Islands Council to see if they can help make it happen across all schools in the county.


  1. Hello Class 6/7,
    Just a quick message to say that this looks excellent, well done! Pushing for change is the only way to solve this worldwide problem. I look forward to seeing how this goes.
    All the best, Mr Ross

  2. we had to put a lot of work into making our campaign work. I'm happy to see that people like what were doing. There was a lot work to get the envelopes matching the letters.


  3. I hope this campaign works. If it does then we'll make Orkney a cleaner and happier place. Kavan

  4. i really like this campaign i think it is going to go well in my opinion i think we will succeed we done well writing letters and drawing posters. By Dan

  5. i enjoyed doing our posters on straws it is nice knowing that the straws might stop selling and that means that more animals can not die Anna

  6. I really like doing this and want to keep doing more on this campaign and think it well end well. let get rid of plastic in Kirkwall By Noah

  7. I hope we can help kirkwall to not use plastic straws and i hope the places we righted to will stop using plastic straws to leona

  8. I think it is good that we are helping the environment and saving some animals lives.I am shocked at how much animals die of plastic. Also it affects the ocean life-kieran

  9. That is very interesting

  10. Its astonishing how bad plastic straws are, I'm glad this is our topic because we are helping sea life, the environment and us humans. Jenna

  11. I hope we do this because this is terrible, the P7's made a very good presentation on this and how bad plastic is. Ms Mackay is very determined to do this so I wrote my letter as best I could, Ms Mackay is really good at choosing topics. Jena
