Bag the Bruck 2018

We went to Scapa beach as part of the annual Bag the Bruck event that happens all across the County. P6 and P7 made sure Scapa was free of marine litter and the rest of the school litter picked at The Peedie Sea and Muddisdale. 
This year we did not find many of the bigger objects we usually pick up - we think that lots more people are taking care of the beach by picking up litter - which is great! There was a huge piece of black pipe which was too massive for us to deal with and what looked like a large grey  broken buoy floated ashore while we were there. We did remove large amounts of small pieces of rope and other litter from fishing boats and other small items like straws. 

Jenni Kakkonen is a marine biologist at the Marine Environmental Unit. She came to tell us how important it is to remove the smaller pieces  of plastics before they break up any further and become too tiny to be gathered up at all.

As the weather got too windy for us we decided to head back to school and on the way we picked up the usual bottles, food packaging and take-away boxes from the verges. We thought it might be there because it had blown around from bins or from Chingliebraes when the lorries empty out their loads, but then a car passed and dropped a lot of litter on the road! 

We hope lots of people keep picking up three pieces through the whole year.

1 comment:

  1. Bag the Bruck was challenging because we think that some other people had picked up the other bigger bits so we only got 8 bags.
