Teaching P3

Today we taught P3 about how to help people who are ill or injured.  We have learned a lot about first aid last term and this term.  We worked in groups of three to write a short playscript about a scenario where something happens to a friend and we have to help them.  We also made up little activities for the P3s to do to show how much they understood.
Helping someone who has a burn. 
Helping someone who is not breathing.  
 Helping someone with a nose bleed.
Helping someone who is choking.
Helping someone who is unconscious but breathing.
 Helping someone who is having an asthma attack.
 Helping someone who has a bad bleed.
Helping someone who has a broken bone.
P5 gave super explanations.  I think we have some future teachers in the making!  P3 listened well and showed good learning.

St Magnus Centre and Cathedral Trip

We made the most of this beautiful day and walked along to the St Magnus Centre this morning.  Clearly the walk in the hot sun was too much for some people!
We enjoyed our snacks in the sun.
Then we watched the short film about St Magnus and the Cathedral.
After that we headed down to the St Magnus Cathedral and were treated to a great tour by Fran Hollinrake.  She was full of really interesting information and the children asked many good questions.
Here are some photos of our tour.  Please post comments to explain what you were learning in each photo.
1 2
3 4 5
Our trip taught us more about the history of Orkney and specifically the influence the Vikings had here.
When we got back to the school, we continued to make the most of the lovely day by bringing our maths outside!

Primary Schools Athletics Championships

My poor photography skills strike again!  I am blaming how cold my hands were after a chilling day spent trackside at the Athletics Championships last Friday.  It was a superbly successful day for the Glaitness pupils who took part though.  They showed good sportsmanship and determination.  Many of the P5, 6 and 7s won medals.  Huge congratulations to Ross and Molly who won their age group trophies.

Trolls, trows and ice bears.

Today Tom Muir came in to tell us some traditional folktales from Orkney, Shetland, Iceland and Norway about trolls and trows and all kinds of magical creatures. We listened carefully and really enjoyed the afternoon. After a discussion about how to make stories interesting to listen to we think we are ready to try to create and tell stories of our own. We will share them with you and our friends in New Zealand!

International Biodiversity Day

Today, on International Day for Biodiversity we went to Muddisdale to find out about the variety of living things there. We counted 59 living things which was quite good for a very cold and windy day with hail showers! We will need to go back when the sun is shining and its a bit warmer to see more minibeasts and flowers.

Bag monster spotted at School Fair!

We sold lots of our gift bags at the school fair with the help of Recycled Bag and The Bag Monster!
Well done girls!

Norwegian Tog

We had a great time taking part in the parade to celebrate Norwegian Constitution Day.
Before we went, we found about what this day means to Norwegians. We learned that on the 17th of May in 1814, Norway got its own royal family and constitution. They were able to make their own laws. We watched a clip of a parade in Norway and that gave us an idea of what to expect. It was even more fun when we went though!

We were all given flags and told to cheer as we made our way through the streets.  We walked behind the pipe band and I think we made almost as much noise as them!  The organisers said that we were the best class they had had on the parade over the years as we were the most enthusiastic!
Everyone was really well behaved and it was interesting to listen to the Orkney Islands Council Convener and the special guest from Norway.  We enjoyed listening to the Papdale Choir and the Kirkwall City Pipe Band.  It was great to see lots of Norwegians there in their traditional dress as well.
You can spot us on the Radio Orkney Facebook page photos and video.


We were learning about the Jewish festival of Passover this morning.  We learned about the Jewish people being treated as slaves in Egypt and how God freed them from it.  It was really interesting finding out how Jewish people remember the Passover and why they include all of the items in their Seder Meal.

Post a comment to let us know the significance of the different foods and what you thought of them.
You can also write about anything else you learned about the Passover or anything you would still like to find out.

Viking Bread

Before we move on to a new topic with Ms Mackay time to make some Viking bread. We used wholemeal flour and spelt flour, water, butter and salt. It tasted fine when it was freshly baked. You can cook this unleavened bread (made without yeast) in the oven or on a pan. Would the Vikings have recognised our bread? Did it taste authentic?
We can't be sure but it was good fun to make and eat.
Thank you Mrs Thompson.

Viking games

We know the Vikings enjoyed board games, and we enjoyed making our own Viking themed games and then playing them! Some of the boards and playing pieces were very carefully made and a few very competitive games were played! Not only was it good fun, it was good practice at using the skills we all need for working in groups.
Well done everyone.
By the way, do you know where, and what game, the Vikings saw which inspired THEM to create their own board games?

500 Words

Remember that you can read the rest of the top 50 entries on the website now.
The categories the stories were judged on were originality, language, plot, characterisation and entertainment.
Post a comment to say which won you think should win each section.
We will listen in to the final on Friday 31st May and see if the judges agreed with any of us.
Well done to all of you for your entries.  Although none of you made it to the top 50, I hope that it has encouraged you to keep writing and that the top 50 entries will inspire you.

Our Human Longship

In Drama we were making ourselves into all sorts of Viking shapes.
Here is out longship.  Check out the fearsome dragon head!
Remember the tasks that Mr Giles has set us...
What can you find out about the currency Vikings used?
How much do you think the things on the stalls should be sold for?
Don't forget to practise your sales pitch!
Post a comment on any information you find about the currency.

Viking House challenge.

Only an hour to include all the essential details!

Beware the crew of The Fearsome Dragon!

Today the crew of the dreaded Fearsome Dragon finally arrived at our school. They were armed with the latest weaponry and they had carried supplies of crop seeds and tools with them. We are afraid they mean to stay and settle on the land, and conduct their awful raids from Orkney!