500 Words

Remember that you can read the rest of the top 50 entries on the website now.
The categories the stories were judged on were originality, language, plot, characterisation and entertainment.
Post a comment to say which won you think should win each section.
We will listen in to the final on Friday 31st May and see if the judges agreed with any of us.
Well done to all of you for your entries.  Although none of you made it to the top 50, I hope that it has encouraged you to keep writing and that the top 50 entries will inspire you.


  1. What a pity none of you made it into the top 50 stories, well done for trying anyway. Some of the top 50 stories are really good. (I've read a few)Caroline(Laura's mum)

  2. I think that When the supermarket lights go out because it was a really good story and it wasn't like any story I have read before.


    1. I agree that this a fantastic piece of writing, Steph. It certainly meets all of the criteria in my opinion. I really like the fact that we can all imagine it happening as we are familiar with the place it is set in.

  3. I was a peedie bit sad when I heard that nobody in the class got into the top 50. I was sure one of us was going to get in to the top 50. When I saw the one's that did get in to the top 50 I said WOW. The punctuation and vocabulary was on the dot. I think Baa Baa Mr Mosen by Emma Evans it was astounding and very funny. I hope we do it next year fingers crossed.

    Erin Thain P5

    1. I was sad too, Erin, but I agree that the general standard of the top fifty is higher than our entries. However, if you are all inspired by this to keep improving, there is no reason why you couldn't make it into the top fifty next year.
      Baa Baa Mr Mosen is funny indeed and certainly seems like an original idea to me. I wonder how you would all react if I started throwing wool over all of you? It is not my favourite story though. Did you spot the mistakes with the speech punctuation? Her use of descriptive language was good for a nine year old.

  4. I have just looked at baa baa Mr Mosen and it's very good! I have also looked at fox hunt and I think it's a really good story! I like the end bit when it says is there room in the cat basket? I also think that the fact that its got animals in it is awesome because I love story's with animals. I could picture in my head every word of it!


  5. My favourite story is the competition because at first you don't understand what is happening but at the end you really understand it.

    Emma P.5

  6. My favourite story is making mum and dad because he sewed his pairents back together!

