Norwegian Tog

We had a great time taking part in the parade to celebrate Norwegian Constitution Day.
Before we went, we found about what this day means to Norwegians. We learned that on the 17th of May in 1814, Norway got its own royal family and constitution. They were able to make their own laws. We watched a clip of a parade in Norway and that gave us an idea of what to expect. It was even more fun when we went though!

We were all given flags and told to cheer as we made our way through the streets.  We walked behind the pipe band and I think we made almost as much noise as them!  The organisers said that we were the best class they had had on the parade over the years as we were the most enthusiastic!
Everyone was really well behaved and it was interesting to listen to the Orkney Islands Council Convener and the special guest from Norway.  We enjoyed listening to the Papdale Choir and the Kirkwall City Pipe Band.  It was great to see lots of Norwegians there in their traditional dress as well.
You can spot us on the Radio Orkney Facebook page photos and video.


  1. I enjoyed the Norwegian parade today. It was fun doing all the cheering and waving my flag. Cameron

  2. I was great watching the parade today. All the class looked like they were having great fun. The music from the pipe band and the singing from papdale children was really good too. (Nickie, Cameron's mum)

  3. It was also good to see lots of family members there too, Nickie. Next year it is on a Saturday so everyone will be able to get involved.
    Cameron, you enjoyed waving your flag so much that you wore it out!

  4. I was at the Orkney Nature Festival so I couldn't come and see you, but I enjoyed watching the video on the BBC Radio Orkney page! Well done for taking part with so much enthusiasm!

  5. It was such an enjoying experince, especialy whith important people in front and behind us and even they were speaking Nowigan.I especialy enjoyed the pipe band. It was so much fun! ;)

    Lilly Gray p5

  6. I enjoyed seeing you all waving your flags and marching along proudly, you represented the school very well. I also managed to see the very brief T.V footage on the BBC news. Papdale school did well to and I liked the Orcadian song they sung at the end written for the Olympic torch relay day. Well done all of you.Caroline(Laura's mum)
