Tag Rugby Festival and Tournament 2015

Today we enjoyed the Tag Rugby Festival in sunshine at The Picky outfields.
Schools from all around Orkney had teams participating.

We had great fun!
Though we didn't win any prizes for rugby we awarded ourselves with the Eco-team Award for the best Waste-free packed lunches.


  1. Hi class 5. I enjoyed playing in the tag rugby festival because i think my team played well in the second round. I think that it doesn't matter if you don't win it's just that if you have fun that matters. I also liked playing in it because my team keeped on getting really close to scoring a try but then they got tagged and passed the ball to another person and so on. Mason p5

  2. Hi class 5 i enjoyed the rugby i got dirty and i scored 3 trys. we all had a wast free lunch.

  3. Hi class 5
    I had fun at the rugby festival I did not get the ball but I had fun.
    It was fun meeting friends from swimming .
    From Logan H

  4. Hi class 5.
    I enjoyed the rugby festival. I scored 7 tries. It was very fun.
