Boat trials at the Peedie Sea

Today a few lucky people had the chance to go over to The Peedie Sea and launch the boat that one of our children has been involved in making with his uncle. There was not just one boat but three there and everyone got a chance to try them out! Exciting! 


  1. Hi class 5
    I had fun at the peedie sea with Ryan Douglas and Kyle.
    I thought that there would just be 1 boat Ryan's one but there was 3 boats.
    My favourite was the plain one.
    From Logan H

  2. Hi class 5. Awesome bots i wood like a shot of one. It looks lick a nisei day for it.

  3. Hi class 5.
    That looks like cool boats. I sure would like to have one my self. Must have been cool to get a shot of the boats.

    From Chloe.

  4. Hi class 5
    I hope you did all have lots of fun I can see that and well did you enjoy going to the peedie sea I hope so.Did it surprise you Logan H I really hope it was great fun.

  5. Hi class 5 i hope you had a lot of fun with the boats it must of been hard to make a boat that can move with controls it looks amazing I wonder how fast the boat can go. And how it can go in water with out getting wet or sinking is extraordinary.

    By Mitchell

  6. Hi class 5
    I think that it looked really fun. It looked like a nice day for it. Who made these boats? the look really cool and it must of taken a lot of work to make them. Here is a question for who ever made them are you going to make another boat or something different?

    From Kayla

    1. Hi Kayla.
      It was me and my Uncle. I am not sure if we are going to make another or something different.

      From Ryan

    2. Hi Ryan
      If you did make another what would you make?

      From Kayla

  7. Hi class 5.
    The boats wear sooooo much fun. I didn't want to stop at the end. Logan and Douglas thought there was going to be one boat but there was three.

    From Ryan

  8. Hi class 5. I found sailing these boats amazing it was so much fun and only Me, Ryan, Logan H and Kyle got to do it. The weather was perfect day for it because there was some wind but not a lot. The only down side was that the life boat ran out of power quickly. but it was lots of fun any way. From Douglas

  9. Hi class 5. The boats that Logan, Douglas and Ryan drove looked like fun I would like to have a go of. Scott

  10. Hi class 5. That looks really cool I wish I could do that. It looks really fun I hope that Douglas, Logan H and Ryan had a really good time.
    -Mason p5

  11. Hi class 5 I know how fun it is. I would love to know how long they took to get.
    From James. :-)

    1. Hi James.
      I am not sure how long it took to make the lifeboat it might of been 5-6 days.

      from Ryan

  12. Hi class 5 boys

    This looks so fun and what was your best thing you did ?
    From Kacey

    1. Hi Kacey.
      I think the best thing we did was have a race.

      From Ryan

    2. Hi Kacey. The best Thing was the race. The fishing boat won the race.

      From Douglas

  13. Hi class 5. The boats that the boys made look so cool and very complicated. I think it must have been really hard to make them. I don't think I would be able to make that unless I had some help from an adult. They look like real boats that have been shrunk down. I would like to know how long it took you to make the boats. They look amazing. From Jessica.

    1. Hi Jessica.
      I am not sure how long it took it might of took 5-6 days

      From Ryan

  14. Hi class 5

    That boats are AMAZING Ryan you should be very proud of yourself and what time and effort was put into them. What gave you the idea of making all the boats. I see Douglas and Logan H came with you. I think you could make allot of progress on that.

    1. Hi Grace.
      It did take a lot of effort and thanks for saying they were amazing.

      From Ryan

  15. Hi class 5

    WOW! They look fab Well done boys. I could never do anything like that. They must of been hard to make?

    From Michaela

  16. The boats look amazing. Ryan the boat you helped to make was cool. Your very lucky to be able to help build that. How was it?

  17. Hi class 5
    Lets start with THOSE BOYS ARE SO LUCKY!!! But Ryan did help to build the boats so he did deserve it. I don't need to moan my grandad has a 1.5 meter model yacht but I would be cool to know how long all of the boats that the boys got to use ? From Euan H

  18. Hi Ryan,Douglouse, Logan H your boats look auwsome I really like them its like a real boat has been shrunk well done boys
