Knex shop

We have been using calculating with money in maths so to get some practice we set up a Knex shop. Each half of the class took turns selling and buying after working out a price range or making a shopping list. Of course our enterprise skills have been honed through the experience of the School Fair and there were lots of flat packs and offers - some not as good a bargain as they may have seemed at first!

It gave us a good chance to use coins and notes and work out how many items we could buy within a budget.


  1. Hi class 5

    I really thought making the Knex shop has boosted my confidence on money and change. Then we had to make a car out of stuff we bought. The next time can we do it with another class.

  2. Hi class 5. Doing the Knex shop was really fun. When I was in a group with Chloe and Scott we each got 5 pounds wich meant my group all together had 15 pounds. Then we started to go and look at the Knex shop to see what we needed to build a car that moves out of Knex. The other side of our class was the Knex shop with 4 stations to buy things. When our time was up we had to go back to our tables and build a car. Our one moved it was a 2 wheeler. Then we got to be the shopkeepers and we each got into 4 stations in pairs our groups of 3. Each station got a tray of change. When people where buying everything I really enjoyed finding the change and giving them the money. It was so fun to work with money. From Jessica.

    1. Hi Jessica
      Wow what allot of words and please don't make are next teacher do that to us

  3. Hi Class 5.
    It was different and fun making the connects shop. I found it quite difficult at first but then I got used to it. the difficult part was the money when people wanted five things that all cost 39p. but after we bougt the connects pecies we did get to make our own car. It was fun

    From Chloe.

  4. Hi class 5
    I really enjoyed putting up the Knex shop and sort the correct amount of change to give the costumer and then we could do it with other classes like what grace said thats a really good idea.

  5. Hi class 5

    I really enjoyed doing the knex shop. I was the shop keeper first and a customer second. I think we should more shops like this again because it helped me and I am sure others with my change. I feel way more confident about my money work. The thing that I wasn't quite sure about making a car after we had bought the pieces but it was a bit easier because I wasn't on my own. It was fun :)

    From Michaela

  6. Hi class 5
    I enjoyed making the Knex shop it has helped me with my change. I found it more fun selling all the pieces rather than buying and making making the models. The first time we did the shop I found it hard to work out the change and then I went home and mum did some work non it with me and the next day we did the shop it was really easier. I would love to do another kind of shop in p6.

    From Kayla

  7. Hi class 5

    The knex was so fun doing the money. And I think the 2 time was better . It was hard to not spent more than you had and to make the car .

    From Kacey

  8. Hi class 5 doing the knex shop was a good experience for in the future when we have to buy stuff with real money I enjoined it because I really like knex and I am a really good builder I have made a knex car before.You have to skills you need use are math money and speech you need to use math because you need to use a calculator and figer out what to buy and how much it costs. And you need to use money to give the shop keepers so you dont give to less or give to much and you need to use speech because you might say something you dont need like for example. Can i get a big black stick to join but you might say can I get a little stick to join but you dont need a little one but you what a big black one so becarful what you say you might get the wrong thing.

    By Mitchell

  9. Hi class 5. I had so much fun working at the knex shop. I also had so much fun buying things at the knex shop its really tense trying to get the urgent things that you need quickly before the rest of the groups get them. -Mason p5
