Cookery group, persuasive letters and book boxes for 'Wild Readers'

What is a Wild Reader 
by Aneisha and Erin K.

A wild reader is someone who takes their reading to the next level. Like reading outdoors at places like the play park, Muddisdale and Wideford Hill.

A wild reader is also someone who reads different types of books like fiction, picture books and information books, and people who want to try reading books by different authors like Jacqueline Wilson ,Roald Dahl and David Walliams. A wild reader is someone who takes there book out whenever they have time to read without being asked. So that is what a wild reader is. Are you a wild reader?

Preparing our book boxes.

We continued today with preparing our presentations on multiplication. This can be tricky because its not just doing a sum but explaining how and why we use a strategy or a method, all the steps, useful advice, helpful hints - AND you need to confidently know your tables.

The most recent 10 point group chose to do a cookery activity. they made peppermint creams and drizzled them with chocolate. Mmmmm.

Today we also wrote a letter using persuasive language to Tesco, Lidl and the Co-op. 
We hope we will get a positive reply.


  1. Looks like you've had another busy week. Well done Aneisha and Erin K for describing what a wild reader was, now I know!
    The peppermint creams looks very yummy.
    You all look very busy preparing your maths videos, I look forward to seeing them all when you get them finished.
    I wonder what the persuasive letter was about and how Paige and Erin were selected to deliver the letters? I hope you get a good response from the super markets you asked for help and they help you with a donation. Well done P5!

    1. Hi - we use a method of picking names by random like lolly sticks with names on.
      We will share what the letters were about and responses in a later post.
      Thank you for commenting!

    2. That seems a very fair way of choosing who is to be selected. Well done P5! Caroline(Erin's mum)

  2. Hello P5!
    You guys look like you've been having fun and the peppermint creams look AMAZING! The preparation for the maths videos looks excellent too! I will look forward to seeing them.
    I hope you get a positive reply from all of the 3 supermarkets but I'm sure you will. Great work P5!

  3. You're baking skills are brilliant really enjoyed the Martian rocks at the open afternoon.

    William's Mum Lenore
